Class of 1976 Gift Committee
The following alumni served on our Class Gift committee last year and played a vital role in our fundraising efforts. Our combined Class Gift commemorated our reunion year and provided resources that will have a positive impact on students for many years to come.
Class of 1976 Gift Committee
Robert Ansehl, chair
Alice Conway
Ron Leven
Mark Robin
Not sure where you want to designate your gift? Your gift or pledge of any amount will help the Class of 1976 and you choose the school, scholarship, or program that is most meaningful to you.
Snag these grab-and-go essentials for your outdoor adventures by making a gift to the Annual Fund. For your contribution of $15, we’ll send you a Washington University tote bag. Or give $50, and you’ll receive a tote-and-tumbler* combo! Hurry, there’s a limited number available. Gifts of all amounts make a difference. In fact, contributions of $100 or less added up to $1.7 million last year. Those resources helped WashU create scholarships, improve academic programs, recruit and retain distinguished faculty, facilitate groundbreaking research, and much more.
Honor Roll
Washington University is pleased to recognize the special support of your classmates. If you would like to add your name to this list by making a contribution to your Class Gift, contact the Reunion Class Gift Office at 314-935-2848 or make your gift online today.
Jonathan F. Adland
Mindy Affrime
Michael T. Altepeter
Karen Anderson
Richard A. Angell
The Robert Ansehl Family
Michal Aronson
Edith Maynard Auchter
Martin M. Babinski
Ruth Jamison Banks
Dr. Thomas A Shoup & Ms. Ellen R. Barker
Kenneth L. Barry
Mark A. Barteau
Susan Greenebaum Baxt
Margot Griffith Bean
Alan & Joyce Bender
Donald M. Bernstein
Robin Axelrod Bernstein
Valri Weir Bieniek
Janice Nagel Bingaman
Mr. Terence Ernest Block &
Mrs. Susan Sanders Block
Sheryl Fields Bogen
Michael C. Bollenbach
Bruce E. Bolliger
Cynthia Yewell Bonskowski
Clifford E. Branch
Debra Bresler
Kelly Brigham
Alan K. Brown
Dennis K. Brown
Jane Yancey Brown
Deryl Brown-Archie
Susan Cantor Buchbinder
Joyce & Chauncy Buchheit
Joseph D. Carnevale
Leo & Jennifer Chen
Susan Lubovsky Clayman
Sara Green Cohan
Kenneth B. Cohen
Diana Cohen
Michael L. Cohen
Sarah Schlafly Cohn
Jacquelyn Connelly
Barbara Conti
Alice Conway
Robert V. Cooney
Kay Nakakura Cooney
Kathryn Borr Corley
Mark S. Corman
Michael H. Dains
Cranston Darris
Shirley Swindall Davis
William E. Deal
Patrick D. Deane
Ellen Deschatres
Lynne Gordon DeWitt
Sean S. Donnelly
Marlene Dorfman
Robert C. Duncan
Frank R. Dziama
David J. Elkin
Karen Engelhardt
Paul A. Eschbacher Sr.
Bruce Favish
Michael M. Feinberg
Carol Hohn Finkes
Jeffrey E. Fireman
Donald R. Fleischer
Roberta Fox
James D. Foyil
Marcia Epstein Fraerman
Louis S. Freedman
Steven M. Freedman
Paul R. Freedman
Amy Friedman
Thomas L. Gardner
Judith Gross Garner
Dianne Levisohn Garvin
Richard L. Gershberg
Dr. Kenneth P. Gibbs & Mrs. Claire V. Gibbs
Albert M. Gold
Michael Goldman
Bruce E. Goodman
Deena Goldman Goran
Glennen R. Grannemann
Stephen J. Halbrook
Joseph A. Hanig
Susan Harris
Esther Haskvitz & Henning Schroeder
Jo Anne Hoffman Helman
Charles E. Hendrix Jr.
Kathryn Wertheim Hexter
David R. Hexter
Mark J. Hoffman
Daniel M. Holland
Fred L. Horowitz
Kirby R. Hotchner
Richard W. Huetter
Judge Nellie Anderson Hutt & Louis Griffin Hutt Jr.
F. Hyman-Siben
Sandra Murphy Inga
Kim C. Ireland
Renee Jacobs
Judith Jaffe
Alvaria Simpson Jaquess
Ann Johnson
Diane Jorgensen
Michael A. Kagan
Gregory J. Kamer
Linda Kaplan
Karen Kartholl
Mark S. Karvas
Paul A. Katzenstein
Daniele Kay
Larry Klein
Robert A. Kohn
Margery Weinberg Komninos
Kenneth W. Kousky
John A. Krasnoff
Evelyn Miles Krawczyk
Michael P. Krumholz
Gloria Kweskin
Gerald J. Lammers
Laurie Lang
Nancy Laubenthal
James E. Laurinat
Rene Schwartz Lawson
Marjorie Petersen Layfield
Linda Hassell Lazar
Jeffrey A. Lazar
Mordechai Lebenberg
Linda Rudorfer Lefton
Catherine Leonard
Ronald Leong
Drs. Ronald & Robert Leven & Ms. Carol & Alice Leven
Barry S. Levin
Daniel H. Levin
Janet Levine
Robert A. Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Carl Loewentheil
Daniel N. Logan
Karen Gudermuth Logan
Andrew Lowenthal
Leslie Luchene
Jennifer Jones Mack
Francis T. Marchese Jr.
John T. Marsalek
Terry J. Martin
James B. McCracken Sr.
Daniel F. McKeown
Leslie McKinney
Robin Stone McNutt
James S. & Andrea S. Mendelson
Lita Menkin
George W. Meyer Jr.
Susan J. Miller & Daryl Rosenblatt
Bernard S. Miller III
Ellen Frank Miller
Terry Seiler Milne
Cindy Mogul
Sandra Pryor Moore
Sarah More
William S. Morgan
Hallie Wahl Morrow
Lynn Neibur Mutch
Howard Nathanson
Thanh V. Nguyen
Debra Wohlschlaeger Nothdurft
Erma O’Brien
James W. Oetting
Thomas W. Oliphant
Joni Oye-Benintende
Paul E. Pariser
Diana Patch
Sarah Patz
Dennis M. Payton
Carl T. Pendleton
Elaine Podell
Barbara Pollard-Stein
JoHanna Potts
Steven J. Rakel
Charles J. Reckenberg Jr.
Diane Garesche Reed
Eric L. Reiss
Edward A. Rezek
Pamela Reznick
Timothy G. Rhoades
Randa Samuels Richter
Lisa Brodsky Ring
Vandarra Robbins
Mark A. Robin
Norbert Rosen
Linda Rothenberg Gelfon
John D. Rottman
Mark W. Roy
Joel L. Rush
Margaret Bartley Russell
David J. Salant
Ronald D. Sampson Sr.
Johanna Fleischaker Schillinger
John D. Schlesinger
Kathleen Schmid
Samuel J. Schwartzberg
Rick & June Shapiro
Alan M. Shapiro
Robert N. Sheets *
Joan Bronk Silberstein
Roberta Silver
Susan Silver
Nancy Siteman
Edward A. Skobac
Elsie Smith
Gregory R. Smith
Christopher M. Smith
Marc L. Smith
Edwin A. Snyder
Janice Sorkow
Myron P. Souris
Jerry D. Sparks
Alissa Pardo Stein
Scott Stephens
Julie Stern
William L. Sternheim
Amy Stollmack
Malcolm J. Sweet
Maxine Tabas
Evelyn Craig Taylor
Roni Kalmowitz Thaler
Barbara Schaps Thomas & David M. Thomas
Robin Thompson
Ann & Andrew Tisch
Richard M. Torack Jr.
Lawrence B. Trachtenberg
Richard S. Troupin
Stephen M. Underkofler
Margo Vinney
Howard J. Warner
Mr. Henry D. Warshaw &
Dr. Susan O. Warshaw
Judith Binakonsky Weitzman
Nancy Wesson
William W. Wilkins
Rochelle Webber Williams
Pearl Williams
Alvin A. Wolff Jr.
Francesca Woods
Steven A. Wool, MD
Claudia Neist Wright
Chao-Ping Wu
Deborah Yellin
Robin Vinitsky Zaban
Harvey A. Zar
Amy Cooper Zenn
Karen Levin Zukrow