We’re excited to welcome the Class of 1961 back to campus for your 60th Reunion!
Last year was filled with obstacles, uncertainty, and cancellations, which makes us even more grateful for the support you and your classmates provided through your class gift.
If you missed the chance to give, your contribution will still count toward your class gift total and help current and future students attain a life-changing WashU education.
Not sure where you want to designate your gift? Your gift or pledge of any amount will help the Class of 1961, and you choose the school, scholarship, or program that is most meaningful to you.
Snag these grab-and-go essentials for your outdoor adventures by making a gift to the Annual Fund. For your contribution of $15, we’ll send you a Washington University tote bag. Or give $50, and you’ll receive a tote-and-tumbler* combo! Hurry, there’s a limited number available. Gifts of all amounts make a difference. In fact, contributions of $100 or less added up to $1.7 million last year. Those resources helped WashU create scholarships, improve academic programs, recruit and retain distinguished faculty, facilitate groundbreaking research, and much more.
Honor Roll
Washington University is pleased to recognize the special support of your classmates. If you would like to add your name to this list by making a contribution to your Class Gift, contact the Reunion Class Gift Office at 877-215-2727, option 3, or make your gift online today.
Irwin A. Albrecht Jr.
Milica Ebenspanger Banjanin *
Donald F. Becker
Patricia Rojas Bell
Lee Thompson Berger
Margaret Drum Bergfeld
Elaine Lander Biegelsen *
Barbara Klearman Bisno
Ellen Baron Blaustein
Carol Mooney Bowen
Benita Weissman Boxerman
Robert A. Broderick
Steven M. Brown
Lammert A. Buchhold
Daniel M. Buescher
Marybelle Drewel Buescher
Robert E. Bunselmeyer
James R. Burmeister
John W. Caskey *
Theodore J. Chura
W. S. Churchill II
Sheilah Aron Cohen
Larry L. Cohen
Robert A. Cohn
Henry C. Cole
Robert Cornbleet
William H. Crandall Jr.
Sharon Anderson Croissant
Loren F. Deland
Don L. Dempsey
Marlene Glanz Dempsey
Donald & Doris Sweet DeZutter *
Ralph E. Dowling
Sally Mill Driemeyer
Ellen Treiman Dunsker
Miriam Plax Epstein
Ron & Hannah Evens
Patsy Bourne Frizzell
Allan & Mary Ellen Froehlich
Larry N. Gandal
Edward R. Goedeke Jr.
Norman Gold
Lester H. Goldman
Sally Bleiweiss Goodman
Suzanne Greenwald
Sylvia Spencer Grote
Sondra Stonebraker Harrison
Susan Meckfessel Hartmann
Anne Horan Hegeman
Vicki Gerstein Hendin
O. D. Hermes
Alan S. Hitt
Sheila Hertslet Hodges
Phillip E. Hoffsten
Garlan E. Hoskin
Barbara Baker Hull
Edward C. Jacques Jr.
Charles W. James
Barry L. Jasper *
R. C. Jerner *
Marietta Welch Johnson
John C. Kappel
Marcia Rippstein Kern
Jerry A. Klein
Betty Feldman Kline
Judith Rawlins Klutho
Paul & Elke Koch
Jerome S. Kraus *
Linda Rimmel Kraus
Theodore W. Laetsch
Lawrence E. Landholt
Kent & Bonnie Lattig
Joyce & Terry Lengfelder
Susan Brickman Levin
Marilyn Aach Levy
Jeanne Behrens Lewi
Cheri Lee Kruse Lewis & Dr. David Lewis
Mary Pieske Long
Raymond J. Lum
Leo M. Malone
Patricia Knackstedt Marino
Ronald A. Marks
William A. Messner
David C. Morris
Patrick J. Morris
Janine Renaud Nelson
Robert R. Nothdurft
Eric Oberer
Sandra Wright Oliver
Judith Granger Opfer
Judith Eckhoff Owens
Ida Feldmann Perabo
Edward N. Peters
John F. Picarelli
A. R. Pierce Jr.
Marshall E. Poger
Jane Hardesty Poole
Rochelle Lapin Popkin
Michael L. Priwer
Sue Caldwell Reisel
Charlotte Rist-Adelsperger
Joyce Boettcher Robb
Claire Talbot Robertson
Mr. Thomas A. Rogers
Susan Shucart Roman
Joseph L. Rosenthal
Michael E. Russo
Anne Ward Sabbert
Jack N. Sanders Jr.
Stephen P. Sandler
John Saufnauer III
Louis R. Saur
Ivan I. Schenberg
Laurence A. Schiffer
Gary N. Schmidt
Robert J. Schneider
Bud A. Schonder
Elsa Arensmeyer Schraudenbach
Henry G. Schwartz Jr.
Spencer M. Sealander
Jasminka Feldman Shaikewitz
Audrey Fox Shanfeld
Arleen Motchan Shostak
Barry L. Siegel
E. C. Singleton
Ronna Owens Smith
Sandra Ballard Spirtas
Joan Zeffren Sublett
Marjorie Sachs Susman
Jean MacBryde Swenson
Marcia Faier Tash
Paul L. Taylor
Ann Maclay Tegethoff
Mary Drews Tess
Frederic A. Troy
Loyce Mausehund Turan
Terry M. Turner
Elmer J. Ulrich
Dorothy Warrick
Fiorella Beltrani Weaver
David A. Weil
Professor Mark S. Weil *
Marshall Weinstein
Virginia Wolff Weiss
Donald R. Wessling
John S. Weyforth *
Robert A. & Virginia L. Wierschem
James B. Williams
Charles J. Wirts
Patrick H. Witte
Lawrence J. Wolf
Bonnie Barton Wolfarth
Claudette Tobin Wolfe
Judith Harris Wolman
Howard & Marilyn Wood
Nancy Godwin Woodworth
Steven A. Zemelman
Constance Smith Zimpfer