Join your Reunion Committee
As a committee member, you’ll connect with classmates and ask for their help in reaching your Class Gift goal. Class Gifts commemorate your reunion year and provide resources that will have a positive impact on current and future students.
We know a large percentage of classmates are not able to attend in-person reunion. The Class Gift allows alumni from around the world to participate in this milestone anniversary, and committee members help us get the word out!
Not sure where you want to designate your gift? Your gift or pledge of any amount will help the Class of 1967 meet its goal, and you choose the school, scholarship, or program that is most meaningful to you.

Snag these grab-and-go essentials for your outdoor adventures by making a gift to the Annual Fund. For your contribution of $15, we’ll send you a Washington University tote bag. Or give $50, and you’ll receive a tote-and-tumbler* combo! Hurry, there’s a limited number available. Gifts of all amounts make a difference. In fact, contributions of $100 or less added up to $1.7 million last year. Those resources helped WashU create scholarships, improve academic programs, recruit and retain distinguished faculty, facilitate groundbreaking research, and much more.
Honor Roll
Washington University is pleased to recognize the special support of your classmates. If you would like to add your name to this list by making a contribution to your Class Gift, contact the Reunion Class Gift Office at 877-215-2727, option 3, or make your gift online today.
Doris Taterka Abrams
Mary Petchaft Adelman
Robert P. Arp
Joseph R. Atkin
Carol Friedman Atkin
Howard Augustus
C. R. Baird
Joyce Gudiswitz Banovz
Lawrence N. Barron
Robert F. Baylis
Anna Behrensmeyer
Helaine Schwartz Betnun
Merrily Copeland Beyreuther
James N. Bierman
Carol Sheets Bigham
Robert B. & Mary R. Black
Tsvi S. Blanchard
Jon S. Blechman
Kathleen Suessdorf Blevins
Jay E. Bloom
Marshall E. Bloom
Helen Elsom Bobrove
Loretta Bonacker Boemler
Frederick W. Brickenkamp
Robert C. Brouk
Morris C. Brown
Richard M. Brown
Linda Cannon
Susan Schmidt Capozella
Bruce V. Carp
Richard N. Chapman
Donald S. Cohen
Marcia & John Mike Cohen
Robert A. Cohn
James H. Collins
John Craib-Cox
Kathianne Knaup Crane
Cynthia Cummings
Philip B. Devries Jr.
Robert W. Duffy
Abigail Dunn
Suren G. Dutia
David C. Frame
Virginia Peak Friedman
Chris Fromboluti
Jeanne Geisel-Sorrell
Barry A. Gersick
Peter M. Gilchrist
Katherine Van Wessem Goerss
Jean Landau Graf
Michael S. Green
Gail Bronstein Grosman
Alan I. Grus
Barry R. Habib
Nedra Patison Hadley
Neil S. Handelman
William R. Hauk
Robert S. Hays
Emil H. Henning III
Frederick W. Hill
Kent W. Hirschfelder
Marjorie Myles Ivey
Marjorie Johnson
Wade Kennedy
David H. King
Randa Nesmith Klasskin
Richard L. Klein
Gordon M. Koizumi
George L. Lamborn
Andrea Finck Lawrence
Alicia Leff
Lewis A. & Leslee F. Levey
Gloria & John Levin
Bette Rappoport Levine
Neil B. Levitt
Gary L. Liberson
Stanley L. Lipshultz
Patricia Byrn Litow
Victoria Boyd Lonergan
Rodney A. Lorenz
Barry I. Ludwig
Michael C. Lund
Dennis W. Lutz
Harold L. Mack
Ms. Peggy MacKnight
James L. Markert
John W. Matthews
Paul J. McKee Jr.
Frances Luce Millard
Geoffrey Monge
Ralph J. Nagel
Trish M. Nagel
John A. Nelke
Toby Bachrach Newman
Tedi Shinberg Osias
Carl S. Otto
Jan K. Peterson
Beverly Schultz Pieper
Joan Shadur Pinsky
Ms. Barbara (Bunny) Rosen Palmer
Mr. Henry M. Polmer
Karl F. Putman
Bruce H. Rabinovitz
Sherry Matlof Raffin
Judith Reinhardt
Nathan H. Rosenthal
Jay W. Roston
Lawrence S. Rothman
Laurel Swiryn Rothman
Sandy Rothschild
Philip E. Sachs
Marcia Grossman Salzman
Lester O. Sarniguet
Marcia H. Schaefer
Gary A. Scheinkman
Betty Stevens Schermen
Bruce W. Schermen
Judy Friedman Schnitzer
Susan Burge-Schotters
Bernard & Nancy Schotters
Stewart & Bette Schuster
Pepper Schwartz
Jay E. Selman
Don R. Sherman
Michael S. Sherry
David L. Shores
Barbara Moore Soule
John L. Stein
Thomas F. Steiniger
Sandra Schoening Stern
Gary H. & Mary K. Stern
Steven & Marilyn Teitelbaum
Frederic Teitelbaum
Michael J. Toney
Lane Trefftzs
Barbara Trumbull
Kay Hirschtritt Tuch
Dennis D. Uchimoto
Robert W. Vondera
Erica Dakin Voolich
Renata Jaeger Walz *
Sanford I. Wax
Frederick M. Weinhaus
Joseph G. Weiss Jr.
Ralph C. Wiedner
Stanley B. Woll
Natalie Klausman Young
Raymond C. Zimmermann