We’re excited to welcome the Class of 1966 back to campus for your 55th Reunion! Last year was filled with obstacles, uncertainty, and cancellations, which makes us even more grateful for the support you and your classmates provided through your class gift.
If you missed the chance to give, your contribution will still count toward your class gift total and help current and future students attain a life-changing WashU education.
Not sure where you want to designate your gift? Your gift or pledge of any amount will help the Class of 1966, and you choose the school, scholarship, or program that is most meaningful to you.

Snag these grab-and-go essentials for your outdoor adventures by making a gift to the Annual Fund. For your contribution of $15, we’ll send you a Washington University tote bag. Or give $50, and you’ll receive a tote-and-tumbler* combo! Hurry, there’s a limited number available. Gifts of all amounts make a difference. In fact, contributions of $100 or less added up to $1.7 million last year. Those resources helped WashU create scholarships, improve academic programs, recruit and retain distinguished faculty, facilitate groundbreaking research, and much more.
Honor Roll
Washington University is pleased to recognize the special support of your classmates. If you would like to add your name to this list by making a contribution to your Class Gift, contact the Reunion Class Gift Office at 877-215-2727, option 3, or make your gift online today.
Philip O. Alderson
Janice Simons Asong
Alan R. Baer
Shelly Lerner Baillargeon
Esther Berman Banashek
Carol Lillis Bassett
John M. Bauer
Janet Fantz Baum
Nancy White Benson
F. G. Bickel III
Martha Wohler Bickel
Charlotte Epstein Biegelsen
John B. Biggs Jr.
Steven L. Blives
Roland P. Bockhorst
Eugene V. Boisaubin Jr.
Jeffrey L. Boock
Jerry A. Breakstone
Carroll Shelton Brickenkamp
Sandra Mooney Browder
Elaine Feldman Brown
Nick Brown III
Charlene Kell Brown
Michael J. Bukstein
Mary Armstrong Burroughs
Jane Calhoun
Arlene Samuels Caplan
Judy Cardin
Lucy Cardwell *
Teresa Carpenter Carp
Jack Case
Susan Stites Case
Harris J. Chien
Fredric B. Clarke III
Judith Goldsand Clifford
Charles H. Cobaugh
Julia Wessel Cobaugh
Edwin R. Cohen
Joel A. D’Alba
Mary Daust-Buehler
John R. Davis
Mary Weyforth Dawson
James M. De Grand
Mary Porter Dees
John J. Desmond
Carol Diaz-Granados
Virginia Johnson Eckhoff
James D. Eckhoff
Stephen P. Eisenberg *
Eric Eisenstadt
Robert J. Falk Jr.
Lynn Gross Fanger
Daniel B. Feinberg
Benjamin A. Feinberg
John A. Ferguson
Al Finkelstein
William C. & Glenda L. Finnie
Peter G. Flachsbart
Mary Flavan
Fred S. Flegel
Patricia Stookey Fleming
David E. Francisco
Barbara Stone Fretwell
Ross S. & Marissa L. Friedman
Anita Hefti Frumson
Robert L. Garland
Richard F. Geekie
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Geifman
Louis H. George Jr.
Alan G. Gerson
Jacqueline Paul Gerson
Gary S. Glenn
Richard P. Goldenhersh
Sharon Pollock Greenberg
Dr. David Grossman & Mrs. Phyllis Wilson Grossman
Linda Hoffman Gunter
John E. Halka *
Robert G. Harmon
James R. Harris
William W. Hausman *
Earl D. Hearst
Wil C. Heidbrink
Nyla Grosse Hensley
Robert Hernreich
Karen Mengersen Herrington
Elizabeth Murray Hertzler
Berna Levine Heyman
Patrick T. Higgins
Larri Lewis Hirschklau
Avery R. Hogan Jr.
Karl O. Hogquist Jr.
Scott T. & Christine Jubel Homan
Emily Earl Humphreys
Nancy Kruk Imus
Joyce Irwin
Barbara Elkins Jacobs
Ralph L. Jacobson
Marjory Levin Jaffe
Charles Jirauch
R. D. Johnson
Laurel & Ray Kaleda
Barbara Brodsky Kantrovitz
Martha Treadwell Karlovetz
Jane Dollinger Kinder
Bernice Kingsland
Sharon Sheinbein Kirsch
Michael W. Kiss
Jeffrey Kopolow
Larry W. Kozuszek
George L. Kramer Jr.
Nancy Spirtas Kranzberg & Kenneth S. Kranzberg
Natalie Rosenfeld Krawitz
Melissa Powers Kreishman
John A. Kreishman
Wayne N. Kuehn
Barbara Osipe Kushnir
Toby H. Kusmer & Ruth L. Kaplan
Van J. Lalumondier
Carole Neier Lee
Harvey A. Lehrer
Dee Kittner LeRoy
Elayne Hentel Leshtz
Mary Boyle Leuchtmann
Robert J. Levy
Ronald F. Levy
Pamela Levy
Dianne Laird Logan
Sharon Carneal Love
Glenn W. Lukey
Sara MacMahon
Prudence Washburn Magnuson
Stanley L. Makovsky
Carol Mann
Ken R. Marion
Robert C. Markham
Marian Carter Marty
Roger C. McFarlin
Nadine Greenberg Meltz
Michael B. Millard
James G. Miller & Judith Anne Miller
Paula Freedman Mitchell
Allen A. Mitchell
Sergio J. Molina
John J. Moore
Sandra Rosenfeld Moore
Frederick C. Moses
David M. Moss
Mary Roach Murrin
Harris Nadler
Ellen Braun Nadler
Leslie A. Neuman
Joan Rosenbloom Neumark
Charles M. Niemann
Barbara Herchert Norton
Karen Winter Novak
Judith Gordon Nystrom
Thomas S. Obermeyer
Bruce A. Oehler
Harold O. Piening Jr.
Beverly Postar
Karen Landsman Radwin
W. J. Ramming
Marilyn Lewin Ratkin
Louis F. Reuter IV
Richard M. Riezman
Raymond M. Riss
Philip D. & Sandra S. Robers
Dorothy Robinson-Foldes
Hugh J. Roddy
Mrs. Kathleen Schulze Rogers
Peter Roodhouse
Neil D. Rosenberg
James g. & Sandra S. Rothschild
Sandra Leibson Rubovits
Beryl Friedberg Sachs
Barbara Love Sarich
Dennis P. Sarich
Harold L. Sarner
Theodore P. Scheinman
Joe Schluchter
Donna Garrett Schoonover
Thomas B. Schraudenbach
James E. Schwabe
Stephen W. Schwartz
Marjorie Ehrlich Schwartz
Gary M. Seigal
Andrew B. Shanfeld
Janet Phillips Sharma
Fred C. Sher
Drs. Barry A. & Marilyn J. Siegel
Frederic B. Siskind
Jill Frank Sneider *
Marshall A. Snider
Jerome B. Spector
Elizabeth Sperlich
Ann Bastman Spohr
Ellen Goldstein Statman
Carol Holekamp Stayton
Sylvia Steiling
Sharon & Dr. Paul Stein
Marilyn Dann Steinback
Thomas A. Stern
Karen Gershman Stern
Terrance A. Stevenson
Mary Stark Strassner
Gary P. Studt
Jackson D. Sturgeon
Richard E. Sturm
Carolyn Cytron Suffian
Mr. & Mrs. William Taylor, Sr.
Robert J. Taylor
Michael H. Thompson
S. K. Thurman
Edward J. Tod
Arnold J. Topel
Alice Hall Turk
Thomas G. Turner
Mary Satkowski Van Groll
Rosalie Ackerman van Nuis
Elizabeth Welshans Van Steenbergh
Jane Atkins Vasquez
Susan Lassar Vinicor
Hoyt W. Wallace
Ronald M. Wand
Josephine & Richard Weil
Terry D. Weiss
Barbara Fiedler Weisskopf
Emma Tao & Steven C. White
Bob Widman
Jim L. Wilson
Robert L. Wilson
Dianne Schuette Winney
Julie Wosk
Betsy Ruvel Zimbalist