Join your Reunion Committee
As a committee member, you’ll connect with classmates and ask for their help in reaching your Class Gift goal. Class Gifts commemorate your reunion year and provide resources that will have a positive impact on current and future students.
We know a large percentage of classmates are not able to attend in-person reunion. The Class Gift allows alumni from around the world to participate in this milestone anniversary, and committee members help us get the word out!
Not sure where you want to designate your gift? Your gift or pledge of any amount will help the Class of 1962 meet its goal, and you choose the school, scholarship, or program that is most meaningful to you.

Snag these grab-and-go essentials for your outdoor adventures by making a gift to the Annual Fund. For your contribution of $15, we’ll send you a Washington University tote bag. Or give $50, and you’ll receive a tote-and-tumbler* combo! Hurry, there’s a limited number available. Gifts of all amounts make a difference. In fact, contributions of $100 or less added up to $1.7 million last year. Those resources helped WashU create scholarships, improve academic programs, recruit and retain distinguished faculty, facilitate groundbreaking research, and much more.
Honor Roll
Washington University is pleased to recognize the special support of your classmates. If you would like to add your name to this list by making a contribution to your Class Gift, contact the Reunion Class Gift Office at 877-215-2727, option 3, or make your gift online today.
Stephen N. Abend
Amelia Massman Allen
Margaret Stephens Anderson
Kent F. Armbruster
Mary Murphy Baker
Dr. Richard H. Bard & Jane Maloney Bard
H. D. Baru
David L. Bayliss
William C. Blasberg
Jerrold Blumoff
Barbara Hatcher Boelling
Susan Kessler Boxerman
Steven M. Brown
Eugene E. Brull
David R. Cartwright
Melvin H. Checkett
Louis G. Chiodini
Roscoe B. Clark III
Judith Cromwell
Sheila Davis
Norah Deakin Davis
Joan Wurth De Francesco
Paul M. Denk
Barbara Barrett Dethlefson
Alan E. Dewoskin
Carol Kent Diggs
Penny Pate Dillon
Richard T. Duemler
Nancy Mylar Evans
Thomas T. Evans
Judith Fischer Evans
Robert P. Fanter
Bruce S. Feldacker
Warren C. Flynn Jr.
Alexandra Buchan Geer
Marilyn Goldwasser
Millicent Rotman Graff
W. K. Haisty Jr.
David A. Hanks
Charles K. Harmon
Joel B. Harris
Wayne J. Harrison
Roland B. Hawkins Jr.
Connie Hickman
Lee R. Hougen
William M. Hull
James I. Hunter III
John H. Jackson
LaVerne Buescher Janson
Ronald J. Jung
Michael J. Kearney
Irvine Knepper
Richard B. Knight
Simon L. Koski
Marsha Rosenblatt Koski
William A. Landers Jr.
Robert & Temma Lapin
Georgia Hodge Laroche
Christopher C. Layton
Gary G. Lazaroff
Sally Holz Lehman
Ned & Sally Lemkemeier
John L. Leonard
Robert O. Little
Judith Phelps Little
Sylvia Cordes Lohkamp
Shirley Speckhals Love
Martha Tanaka Maesaka
Kenneth D. Makovsky
Judith Lefkowitz Malman
Ed D. Marshall
Barry F. Maycock
William D. McCart
Michael M. McCarthy
David J. McLaughlin
John L. Meers
Elizabeth Brokaw Metcalfe
Bette Boyce Miller
Robert E. Moreillon
Allen R. Morganstern
William W. Morgenthaler
George P. Mueller
Jack A. Patterson
David A. Pfaff
Dr. & Mrs.* Richard E. Pinckert
Barbara Langfeld Poger
Thomas J. Prendergast Jr.
Catherine Knox Quay
William R. Rayburn
Allen N. Reeves
Richard A. Reeves
Martha McAllister Reichman
Charles W. Rimmer Jr.
Carl F. Ritter
Roger O. Roberds
Travis L. Roberts
John L. Roeder
Richard M. Roessler
Adrienne Gallop Rosen
Sharon Schear Schomer
John F. Schroeder CPCU
Noelene Estes Self
Sylvia Raskas Silver
Carole Kornblum Simon
Raymond E. Skubiz
Stephen E. Snitzer
Thomas J. Sondag
Roy N. Sonomura
Johann Candiano Stallings
Kendall Stallings
Donna Ahlert Thomas
Mary Schaefer Thompson
Judith Brining Thorpe
John & Susan Tomich
Richard A. Vandegrift
Bruce J. Walz
Cynthia Weese FAIA
Ronald E. Wehrmann
Helen Campbell Weise
David H. Whitcomb
Ellen Schneider White
Yvonne Lo Woo
Robert R. Young MD
Arnold B. Zetcher