We’re excited to welcome the Class of 1956 back to campus for your 65th Reunion! Last year was filled with obstacles, uncertainty, and cancellations, which makes us even more grateful for the support you and your classmates provided through your class gift.
If you missed the chance to give, your contribution will still count toward your class gift total and help current and future students attain a life-changing WashU education.
Not sure where you want to designate your gift? Your gift or pledge of any amount will help the Class of 1956, and you choose the school, scholarship, or program that is most meaningful to you.

Snag these grab-and-go essentials for your outdoor adventures by making a gift to the Annual Fund. For your contribution of $15, we’ll send you a Washington University tote bag. Or give $50, and you’ll receive a tote-and-tumbler* combo! Hurry, there’s a limited number available. Gifts of all amounts make a difference. In fact, contributions of $100 or less added up to $1.7 million last year. Those resources helped WashU create scholarships, improve academic programs, recruit and retain distinguished faculty, facilitate groundbreaking research, and much more.
Honor Roll
Washington University is pleased to recognize the special support of your classmates. If you would like to add your name to this list by making a contribution to your Class Gift, contact the Reunion Class Gift Office at 877-215-2727, option 3, make your gift online today.
William H. Abbott
Ethel Knight Adam
Gerald L. Bader Jr.
George R. Banjak
Mary Franklin Banks
Sheldon C. Baron
Emil E. Beier
Ann Wilson Brown
Edith Gould Brown
John L. Busekrus
Gloria Berger Cotlar
Nancy Desatnick
Cora Burry Devine
Ralph Edwards *
Jean Williams Ehlers
Mr.* & Mrs. William B. Eiseman, Jr.
Liliane Gurwith Endlich
John W. Fisher
James A. Garard
William S. Gatley
Charles H. Gold
Phyllis Kelner Goldberg
Charlene Dobinsky Goodman
Shirley Smith Graham
Patricia Hawks Helmkamp
Nedra Riddle Hoester
Paul A. Holdener
Milton F. Hoskins
Gene C. Jackson
Dr. Ann Johanson *
Leo J. Johnson
Calvin C. Kam
Joe J. KatterJohn
Joan Rosen Katz
Ernst P. Kieckers
L. R. Killebrew
Richard L. Kite
Emroy J. Knaus PhD
Engelbert G. Knaus
Joan Vogler Kniest
Richard H. Kohrs
Kenneth J. Lacho
Leonard M. Landsbaum
Ronald A. Leggett
Suzanne Geil Leopold
Robert L. Levin
Peter W. Likes
Fred W. Lindecke
Martin M. Lipsitz
Thomas G. Lloyd
Susan Jones Luedde
Lynn Oxenhandler Lyss
Nancy Groves Manning
Margaret McCormick-Ritter
Albert H. Meier
Charles A. Mennell
Kurt Metzl
Jay L. Meyer
Ronald E. Meyer
Jerrold M. Meyers
Mary Pedroja Morris
Kate Hilliker Murashige
Howard M. Nelson Jr.
Sanford S. Neuman
Edward O. Nonweiler
Norma Hauschild Padgett *
Marvin G. Parker
Biagio J. Pietroburgo
Lenard L. Politte
Harriett Kraemer Potenza
Herbert Raskas *
Barry L. Reeves
Rose Falzone Rhodes *
Allan Ried
Beverly Barnes Rulon
Naif D. Salman
Max D. Sanders
Elizabeth Erdman Sandol
Peter A. Saul
Harvey G. Schneider
Stephen J. Schneider
Beverly Sherp Schraibman
Vincent F. Schulte
Carol Snodgrass Schultz
Iwao W. Shiraki
Suzanne & Jerry Sincoff
Elizabeth Johnson Smith
Margaret Reed Smith
Jack S. Spilker *
Robert R. Stiens
R. Richard & Beverly Wallace Straub
Alice Petersen Stringham
Darlene Marvin Stromsdorfer
John Stuart
Barbara Fretwell Susman
Millard Susman
Patricia Rothrock Sustendal
Eugene R. Syrewicz
Raymond M. Taniguchi
Thomas H. Teasdale *
Emma Rosa Terry
Barbara Joslin Thielemann
William G. Tragos
Elva Basse Tucker
Robert T. Utz
Christopher Vlahoplus
Jerry L. Wanninger
Rolla K. & Anne B. Wetzel
Carol Kolodny Winston
Judith Taussig Wolters
Heinz E. Zobel