Class of 1986 Gift Committee
The following alumni served on our Class Gift committee last year and played a vital role in our fundraising efforts. Our combined Class Gift commemorated our Reunion year and provided resources that will have a positive impact on students for many years to come.
Class of 1986 Gift Committee
Christine Lorenz, co-chair
Andrew McCune, co-chair
Mark Althouse
Mark Goldstein
Leslie Limbaugh
Evren Senol
Brigitta Toth
Your gift or pledge of any amount will help the Class of 1986 and you choose the school, scholarship, or program that is most meaningful to you.
Snag these grab-and-go essentials for your outdoor adventures by making a gift to the Annual Fund. For your contribution of $15, we’ll send you a Washington University tote bag. Or give $50, and you’ll receive a tote-and-tumbler* combo! Hurry, there’s a limited number available. Gifts of all amounts make a difference. In fact, contributions of $100 or less added up to $1.7 million last year. Those resources helped WashU create scholarships, improve academic programs, recruit and retain distinguished faculty, facilitate groundbreaking research, and much more.
Honor Roll
Washington University is pleased to recognize the special support of your classmates. If you would like to add your name to this list by making a contribution to your Class Gift, contact the Reunion Class Gift Office at 314-935-2848 or make your gift online today.
Timothy R. Alexander
Stacey Smid Alexander
Michael S. Alter
Mark A. Althouse
Jeffrey S. Altman
Robert O. Ambrose
Susan Ano
Joel Yuspeh Ashner
Leonard D. Augsburger
Jim Avery
Cynthia Clodfelder Bazzano
Robert W. & Nadine R. Beck
Rebecca Beggs Bennett
George E. Bennett
Barbara Redleaf Bernard
Julia Bienias
Susanne Borchert
Stephanie Botvin
Wanda Boykin
Michael A. Brown
Ronald S. Bucholtz
Scott C. Buckingham
Scott Budoff & Michele Ejnes
Phillip H. Burke III
Edwin K. Burkett
Diane Scott Burkin
Tracy Rainwater Chamberlain
Thomas J. Chang
Daphne Chiang
Thomas P. Christman
Elizabeth Goettman Christopher
Gregory A. Chrzanowski
Michelle Moore Chrzanowski
Jodi Cohen
Marc S. Cohen
James E. Connolly
Elizabeth Coscia
Jim Crisanti
Andrew J. Cross
Jazmin Cuin-Parker
Diane Cummings
Warren J. Davis
Victoria Day
Mary De Jesus
Francis L. Decker
Alexander S. Douglas II
Lisa Downing
Kathleen Gaines Drangines
Thomas R. Du Bois
Tomas A. Dundzila
Stacey Rogers Edelman
David J. Ehrlich
Stephen M. Emer
Howard R. Epstein
Sallie Byrne Ewen
Jeffrey A. Farris
Mr. Thomas Feichtinger & Ms. Charlotte Partridge
Sandra Noah Ferkel
Andrea Fischer
Douglas R. Fisher
Richard A. Fleming
Margaret Burke Flucke
Kara Forest
Gwen Schonblom Forman
Mark A. Freiman
David P. Friedlander
Bernardino Garcia
David J. Gesswein
Stephen H. Goldblum
Ralph Gonzales
Rachael Gordon
Renee Graham
Theodore J. Gressick
Alexander Grinberg
Jeremiah E. Halley
Edward M. Halpern
Patricia Jacobs Harris
Julie Markowitz Hartman
Carl E. Henry
Preston J. Henske
Alan M. Herbst
Tammy Shaw Hill
Gail Hintz
Lorraine Esrig Hirsch
Jon Hirsch
Anita Holtz
Deborah Fiedler Hopper
Kay Berra Houghtaling
Creig N. Houghtaling
Simon Huang
Kurtis L. Hunter
Thomas L. Hutson
Mohibul Islam
Arnita Self Jackson
Gene R. Jacobson
Lee T. Jenkins
Carl A. Jenkins
Clifford R. Jones
Andy Judson
Barry T. Kahn
Margaret Kalkowski
Brian M. Kanter
Lawrence S. Kaskowitz
Craig S. Kaufman
Holly Jason Kibble
Timothy P. Kickham
Shawn M. Kinnare
Dennis C. Kleine
Traci Sanders Klemm
John D. Konsek
Patricia Meyer Korando
Ms. Andrea Helene Kott & Mr. Mark L. Levine
Debra Kurtz
Howard A. Kurzrok
Cathy Lamb
Nicolette Langland
Rachel Laxer
David M. Lee
Mary Lenze-Acton
David H. Levy
Clifford S. Lew
Leslie Limbaugh
Lisa Rothschild Linn
Robert M. Linnemann
Joanna Liu
Kenneth Lorber
Dr. Christine D. Lorenz
Theodore H. Lucas
Laura Weber Lutz
Jeanette Macht
David B. Mackler
Richard A. Margolis
Camelot Marshall
Michael A. Matchett
Gail Williams Matson
Deborah Mayer
Kim Scales McCrary
The McCune Family
Monica Crusby McFee
Denis T. McHugh
Anne McKnight
Paula Mehmel
Timothy F. Mellett
Ann Mertens
Rosemarie Meyer
Victor S. Migneco
Margaret Miller
Jill Bogard Mirlis
Kenneth E. Moncrieff
Philip M. Mondou
James B. Monroe
Adriana Capistran Moore
John P. Morris
Laura Morris
Theresa Heidmann Moyer
Robin Novak Nack
William J. Neubert
Karen Clough Olrik
Christian H. Olrik
Margaret Oppenheimer
Neil R. Palacios
John A. Pardalos
Lauren Shaw Peck
Thomas J. Peckham
Scott D. Plante
Thomas C. Pohlman
Joseph A. Polizzi
Jason D. Ponfil
Kathleen Porter
Todd A. Pratt
Jeffery T. Pratt
Miriam Bleadon Qunell
Bill Rabinowitz
William L. Ransohoff
Tal & Ariel Recanati
Scott M. Rehmer
Cheryl Tuschhoff Renne
David A. Richter
Alfonso Rivera Jr.
Karen Mites Robbins
Sarah Robinson
Babak Roboubi *
Marshall Rocke
Shari Rosenberg
Chris Ryan
Kent & Lisa Sacia
Somboon Sajjapong
Oleta Lane Salyards
Chander N. Samy
Annette Peelle Sargent
Dominic W. Scalise
Nancy Schaedler
John E. Schiermeier
Carl Schoedel
John C. Schroeder
Jeffery C. Seitz
Evren Senol
Randall R. Sercombe
Sara Davies Sessions
James R. Shaeffer
Steven D. Shalowitz
Jonathan M. Shaw
John J. Sheahan Jr.
Mary Lohse Shepherd
Hui-Kuo G. Shu
Steven D. Sides
Jeffrey B. Siegel
Alan D. Sigman
Mark A. Silverberg
Jeffrey D. Silverstein
Peter L. Skeggs
Michael L. Soete
Robert H. Soriano
Philip O. Sowah
Timothy J. Spengler
Richard J. Stefan
Keith E. Stockerl-Goldstein
Robert C. Strain Jr.
David L. Stranquist
Gregory G. Strauss
Cynthia Chin Sung
James E. Sykora
Seiki Takahashi
Christine Tan
Pauline Tang
Katherine Kashou Tarnowski
Kristen Temple
Janet Long Tenhula
Marci Lichter Thal
William R. Thissell PhD
Carol Thomas
Robert M. Thomas
Susan Walker Thomas
Brigitta Toth
Boyd L. Troop
Kenneth S. Troy
Gloria Tsao
Mat M. Turner
Drew Van Horne
Barbara Tenney Vander Wall
Gary M. Viersen
Rogelio Vocero
Elizabeth Wade-Sirabian
Laura Fitzpatrick Wagner
Timothy A. Waidmann
Jonathan M. Wallace
Susan Perlstein Wartel
Paul K. Watase
Jody Lieberman Weinberg
Elizabeth Brotherson Wells
Brett M. Wilbur
Nancy Windes
Daniel M. Wolk
Mike Woolsey
Ann Workman
Susan Worst
Angeline Stowe Yarbrough
Michael L. Yarbrough
Jane & Neil Yaris
Landis York
Andrea Zweig Wagner