Join your 50th Reunion Committee
As a committee member, you’ll connect with classmates and ask for their help in reaching your Class Gift goal. Class Gifts commemorate your reunion year and provide resources that will have a positive impact on current and future students.
We know a large percentage of classmates are not able to attend in-person reunion. The Class Gift allows alumni from around the world to participate in this milestone anniversary, and committee members help us get the word out!
Not sure where you want to designate your gift? Your gift or pledge of any amount will help the Class of 1972 meet its goal, and you choose the school, scholarship, or program that is most meaningful to you.
Show your WashU pride!
Snag these WashU essentials by making a gift to the Annual Fund. For your contribution of $15, we’ll send you a Washington University tote bag. Or give $50, and you’ll receive a tote-and-tumbler* combo! Hurry, there’s a limited number available. Gifts of any amount make a difference. In fact, contributions of $100 or less added up to $1.7 million last year. Those resources helped WashU create scholarships, improve academic programs, recruit and retain distinguished faculty, facilitate groundbreaking research, and much more.
Honor Roll
Washington University is pleased to recognize the special support of your classmates. If you would like to add your name to this list by making a contribution to your Class Gift, contact the Reunion Class Gift Office at 877-215-2727, option 3, or make your gift online today.
Sherry Abelove
Douglas R. Ackerman
Dr. Robert Adler & Alexis Deutsch Adler
Jeffrey A. Albert
Richard C. Amelung
Chris Anderson
Robert H. Arnold
David L. Arunski
Robert W. Atcher PhD, MBA
Bobbie Whitley Barnes
Robert A. Becker
Edward J. Bedinghaus
Elizabeth George Belcher
Barbara Berger
Henry J. Berliner
Michael G. Biggers
Richard A. Blum
Deborah Blumenthal
Fairman K. Bockhorst
Mary Conrades Bouldin
Linda Brandt
Kathleen Brennan-Nash
Jack O. Brown
Janet Brown
Lewis A. Brown
Anthony Bruck
Frank J. Catanzaro Jr.
Karen Schwartz Chaikin
Katherine Mullins Claggett
Matthew T. Cohn
Vicki Hertzberg Cohn
Thomas P. Collins
David A. Cooksley
Sandra Branahl Cooper
Dennis M. Cope
Anna Peterson Crosslin
Raymond Dalton
David R. Dietrich
Carole Hoelscher Donnelly
Karen Dosick Grinfeld
Leslie Green Dworkin
Mark H. Edelman
Gerald A. Einsohn
Judith Lenobel Elder
Howard S. Ellison
Ellen Esrock
Karen Schpeiser Fairbank
Robin Melman Feder
Kathryn Topp Fishman
Michael F. Fix
Cynthia Fordyce
Dede Fox
Judith Fryer
W. P. Gahan
James P. Gamble
Betty Kahn Garber
Dale J. Garber
Patricia Meth Garsek
James M. Goldring
Ted G. Goldsmith
Barbara Guzofsky Goodman
Steven A. Gramlich
George L. Hangs Jr.
Zelda Cohen Hantz
JoAnn Spiegel Harris
Barbara Levine Harsha
Kristin Hartl
Michael A. Hass
Kathleen Haywood
William R. Herr
Josephine Hertz-Ackerman
Steven G. Hess
Rachel Hexter Fried
Alan R. Horna
Judy Horvitz
Joseph M. Hubenschmidt
Becky Bryant Hubert
Marlene Hunter
Wendy Hyman-Fite
Mark S. Jaffe
Donna Lite Jeffe
Harry S. Jonas III
Mark F. Jones
R. J. Kannapell
Joe & Carol Kannapell
Joel A. Kanter
Scott H. Kaplan
Susan Kaplan
Howard M. Katz
Susan Keller
Nancy Garth Kimmel
Lori Silvers Klarfeld
Ronald B. Klein
Jeffrey Kleinman
Randall D. & Sally G. Knight
D. P. Kraft
Jeffrey B. Krashin
J. K. Kruvant
Steven Kurzrok
Penny Ryan Lager
Edward C. Lager
Gail Horowitz Lang
Richard A. Lehner
Donald L. Lerman
Philip M. Lichtenfeld
Jeffrey A. Lieb
Sara Dallmeyer Loyet
Deborah Snavely Lumia
Richard F. Lyman
Paulee Geiderman Magnani
Beverly Magilow Marcus
Bruce E. Mason
Michele Maue
Stan D. Mayer
Nancy Swihart McClintock
Sharon Sutker McGowan
Stephen E. McGowan
R. G. McKnight
David B. Merrill
George T. Miers
Catherine Wolf Minnihan
Larry O. Moore
Alvin L. Morie Jr.
Kenneth A. Munder
Valerie Komar Murrah
Pamela Wolens Neimand
Douglas H. Neimand
The Newman Family
Gerald F. Niedringhaus
Susan Danner Nieman
Rosemary Fiszel Nochlin
Susan Brast O’Connell
Neal Olson
Ray B. Payne
Susan Lecin Polinsky
Joan Poll
Kenny O. Reinhart
Ronald M. Rettner
Donald G. Reuter
Nancy Newman Rice
Janet Robinson
James E. Rochow
Susan Smith Rochow
Alice Wakefield Rollins
Daniel W. Rosenblum
Jolene Rosequist
Russell E. Rutledge
Henrietta Sanchez
Gerald L. Sauer
Jakki L. Savan
Vicki Vogelstein Saxon
Deborah Schaub
Elyse Schneiderman
Deborah Dolan Schott
Dorian Meier Schramm
Doris Schwartz
Steven N. Schwartz
Susan H. Serling
David H. Kessler
Nancy H. & Jeffrey W. Shelton
Jeffrey W. Shelton
Cathy Shapiro Shockey
Bernard L. Shore
Beatrice Greenspan Shore
Jon E. Shuman
Barry A. Siegfried
Michael B. Smith
Jane Spooner
Lane Stahl
Lauren Feldman Stewart
Lisa Sturt
Michael T. Swisher
Merrilee Tanner
Sanford Teplitzky
William W. Toombs
Margaret Tracy
Thomas C. Trauger
Albert Uljee Jr.
Tyra Vaughan
Bernt W. Von Glasenapp
Vu-Duc Vuong
Karen Kramer Wagner
Russell W. Warnky
Shinichiro & Cissy Pao Watari
Shinichiro Watari
Jonathan L. Weaver
G. D. Weese
Mary Weidner
Dorothy Fischer Weiner
Howard J. Weiss
Gary E. Wendlandt
Janice Wood Wetzel
Christopher W. Whitney
Lucile Shanes Wilkens
Margaret Williams
Charles J. Wisch
Frances Krebs Wisch
Patricia Heckmann Wittie
Jan & Jerry Wolf
Rosalind Spector Zacks
Paul M. Zorn