I have a strong investment in Washington University. My advisers not only knew my potential, but they also threw their weight behind me. I want more students to discover the resources, networks, and social capital at their fingertips.
Make Way ensures that students truly connect as I did. Not all students arrive equipped to seek resources or ask for help. They’re suddenly in a place with all this great brainpower, all these great people, and it’s overwhelming. We want our students to be able to engage fully. We want all of them to realize the empowering possibility of this place. It’s not only about tuition and room and board.
Among its priorities, Make Way is building support for internships and career development and cultivating student health and well-being. In short, Make Way is proactively preparing more young people for life after graduation. We recognize that many students must be taught to tap into the resources and the community. As I learned, that community is essential to success.